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Fotkanje na Tašu


Fotkanje na Tašu

Dugo nisam pisala i mnogo je novosti ispred nas, pa hajde da krenem po redu. Za one koji me ne znaju, ja sam Dragana Paramentić ali me verovatno mnogo bolje znate kao Nasmej se ptičica.

Najbitnija vest je da se Ptičica preslelila sa i da me od sada možete naći na

Ali i ja sam se preselila, mislim fizički, geografski, i to ne samo u drugu državu već i na drugi kontinent. Od sada ću u Srbiju dolaziti ređe, i to više kao turista a manje kao profesionalni fotograf. Šanse da vas fotografišem ovde i dalje postoje ali su mnogo manje nego ranije.


Hello world!


Hello world!

Hello indeed, and what a bright, new, fresh start this is for me! I’m Dragana Paramentić, wedding photographer. Before I moved to Toronto, Canada, where I am based now, I used to live in Belgrade, Serbia. Working as a wedding, family and lifestyle photographer there, was my previous portfolio and blog website. "Nasmej se, pticica!" literally translated as “Smile, it’s a bird!” which is a synonym for “Say cheese!” made me known as Bird or Birdie well beyond my friends circle. That nickname is still active, so just tweet and I you’ll have my attention ;)
